Elyse Metelka, MS, RD, CDN

Elyse Metelka, MS, RD, CDN is the owner and founder of Elyse Metelka Nutrition. She is a Registered Dietitian (RD) and Certified Dietitian Nutritionist (CDN). Her specialties include eating disorders and disordered eating, intuitive eating, weight and body image issues, health at every size (HAES), sports nutrition, nutrition for figure skaters, and vegetarian nutrition.
Elyse has competed at the national level on the University of Delaware’s Collegiate Figure Skating Team. As a lifelong figure skater (which she has been doing since she was a child), Elyse is passionate about educating athletes on the topics of nutrition and eating disorders so that athletes can learn to nourish and fuel their bodies, enabling them to perform to the best of their ability.
Elyse considers herself to be an "anti-diet" Dietitian. Put more simply, this means that she believes that diets don’t work and instead encourages her clients to incorporate all foods and eat balanced. Elyse helps her clients heal their relationships with food, eating, and their bodies by teaching her clients to practice intuitive and mindful eating. Working individually one-on-one with her clients at Elyse Metelka Nutrition, Elyse individualizes each session for each client based on their own unique needs and goals.
Elyse completed her BS degree in Nutrition and Food Science and also her MS in Nutrition degree at Hunter College in New York City. After completing her MS degree, Elyse worked at Balance Eating Disorder Treatment Center and then completed her dietetic internship through the Hunter College Dietetic Internship Program. Her rotations included working at The Renfrew Center, Food Services Group, and Coler Rehabilitation and Nursing Center.
Elyse has a passion for advocating for individuals with eating disorders and educating the public to help increase awareness about eating disorders. She has worked with Project HEAL and on the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) helpline to help those affected by eating disorders. Elyse is currently a member of Project HEAL's HEALers Circle, helping to increase access to eating disorder treatment by providing free treatment to Project HEAL grant recipients. She is a member of the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) with involvement in DPG membership groups including Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN), Behavioral Health Nutrition (BHN), Weight Management (WM), Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE), Dietitians in Business and Communications (DBC), and the New York State Dietetic Association (NYSDA).